Why We Love Traveling with Kids

Traveling with kids may seem like a crazy idea; but, we all know I love crazy! Beyond the stress of planning our first trip, there is so much to gain from traveling with kids. I adore traveling with my kids – all three of them!

Adulting can really warp your view of the world around you. I’m pretty sure that’s the main reason children were invented. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child will certainly bring you back to the pure, the innocent, the uninhibited soul you once were. It’s truly astounding.

Kids look at everything differently. They don’t see trees, they see a mysterious forest world filled with fairies and wisps. They don’t see rocks, they see magic gems and crystals. Yes, traveling with kids can sometimes get a little harry and the amount of stuff you need to take can be overwhelming, but if you embrace the wonder, the good will always outweigh the bad.

Bring prepared is a lot of making sure you avoid the bad. For example, taking a great travel stroller and leaving the big clunky one at home!

Our last trip was a weekend cruise to Mexico. Jackson, our 2 year-old, had the best time with the little towel animals the cleaning crew left in our cabins. He and Jessica each had one on their beds and literally turned the entire cabin into a jungle where their monkey and lion lived. They made vines out of their pillow cases and caves out of pillows. It was magical to watch.

On the same excursion, our baby John got to practice floating in the pool. He had recently started lessons so seeing him enjoy the water so much was more fun than swimming myself. There is just something about seeing your children discover new things, the old things you have been doing for years, that makes you realize how much we miss out on as adults.

Next up, we are going to try Germany!

I always love taking my kids somewhere new. Even if my husband and I have been there before, it feels different with the kids. I’m not normally this sappy, but every once in a while, even I have to admit how fun my little people are. Once you have kids, you can’t imagine not getting that second chance at the world.

Find more of our travel stories here or read of Planning Our First Trip here.


About Jasmine

I'm Jasmine, mum of three gorgeous babies. I love sharing my experience of parenthood.

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